Welcome To WMK [associates]

Progressing Innovative Regional Investment - Providing Smart Consulting Services - Building High Performing Team

Who we are?

WMK [associates] is an Indonesian boutique consulting firm focusing to progress local viable social, economic, and ecological ...

What we do?

WMK [associates] facilitates an evolving learning process through policy monitoring and research at national and local levels ...

Why we are doing this?

Indonesia no longer needs expansive unsustainable financial capital-intensive development as its massive and severe social…

How we do it

WMK [associates] manages and supports 30 professionals with highly diverse quality and expertise that enable us to ...

Where we work?

WMK [associates] works nationwide responding to invitation by local governments and/or particular sustainable investment opportunities.

How to join us?

You can join WMK [associates] by sending your latest curriculum vitae (CV) showing your strongest capacity & ...

Project & Initiative

In collaboration with URDI

Benchmarking assessment on environmental economic instruments to advice the Indonesia Climate Change Advisory Council (DPPI) in 2016.

In collaboration with URDI (2)

Policy traceability assessment of Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to advice DPPI in 2016.

Abt Associates

WMK [associates] engaged in two project evaluation tenders with Abt Associates (MCIA’s Green Prosperity Evaluation) in 2017

KPMG Norway

WMK [associates] engaged KPGM Norway to bid in Norad Framework Agreement regarding Consultancy Services for Climate, Forestry and Low-Carbon Development in 2017.

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